Criminal Law
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PRC Criminal Law - 126
(Selected from the translated work titled The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, authored by Robert Zhang and Steve Li, criminal defense lawyers registered in Shanghai, China.)
Article 126 [Manufacturing and Selling Firearms in Violation of Regulations] Where an entity designated or determined in accordance with the law to manufacture of sell firearms engage in any of the following acts in violation of the firearm management regulations, the entity shall be sentenced to a fine, the directly responsible chief and other directly responsible persons shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than five years, or to imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years if the offence is committed under serious circumstances, or to imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment if the offense is committed under particularly serious circumstances:
Manufacturing or selling firearms beyond the quota or the prescribed variety for the purpose of illegal sales;
Manufacturing firearms without identification numbers or with duplicate or fake identification numbers for the purpose of illegal sales; or
Illegally selling firearms or selling firearms within the territory of the PRC that are manufactured for export.
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