Criminal Law
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PRC Criminal Law - 105
(Selected from the translated work titled The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, authored by Robert Zhang and Steve Li, criminal defense lawyers registered in Shanghai, China.)
Article 105 [Subversion of Government and Inciting Subversion of Government] A defendant who acts as a ringleader or commits serious crimes in organizing, plotting, and implementing criminal activities with the intent to subvert the Government or overthrow the socialist system shall be imprisoned for life or not less than ten years, a defendant who actively participates in such activities shall be imprisoned for not less than three years but not more than ten years, and any other defendant who participates in such activities shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than three years, custody, supervised release, or deprivation of political rights.
A defendant who incites others to subvert the Government or overthrow the socialist system by spreading rumors, defamation, or otherwise shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than five years, custody, supervised release, or deprivation of political rights, and a defendant who acts as a ringleader or commits serious crimes in such activities shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than five years.
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