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PRC Law of Criminal Procedure - 31
(Selected from the translated work titled The Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, authored by Robert Zhang and Steve Li, criminal defense lawyers registered in Shanghai, China.)
Article 31 The recusal of a judge, prosecutor, or investigator shall be decided by the chief justice, the chief prosecutor, or the chief of the public security authority, respectively. The recusal of the chief justice shall be decided by the judicial committee of the court. The recusal of the chief procurator and the chief of the public security authority shall be decided by the procuratorial committee of the people's procuratorate at the same level.
An investigator shall not suspend investigations of a case before a decision of their recusal from the case is made.
Where a petition for recusal is rejected, the petitioner or their legal representatives may file a petition for reconsideration once.
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